Excursion destinations and cultural sites

Selected recommendations made by the Zittau Mountains Nature Preserve / Upper Lusatia Tourism Group.

Open-air Museum “Castle and Monastery Ruin” on Mount Oybin  (JL)

Castle and monastery ruin on Mount Oybin

Open-air museum “Castle and Monastery Ruin” on Mount Oybin
Guided tours and much to see and experience:
Internet: www.burgundkloster-oybin.de
E-Mail: Burg und Kloster Oybin

Museum - Church of the Holy Cross in Zittau (KS)

Church of the Holy Cross in Zittau

Museum – Church of the Holy Cross in Zittau
Home to the Great Zittau Lenten Veil of 1472:
E-Mail: info@zittauer-fastentuecher.de

Oybin train station (AP)

Zittau’s narrow-gauge railway

Internet: www.soeg-zittau.de
E-Mail: info@soeg-zittau.de

German Museum of Damask and Terrycloth (AP)

German Museum of Damask and Terrycloth in Großschönau

Internet: www.ddfm.de
E-Mail: info@www.ddfm.de

Karasek Museum (KS)

Karasek Museum in Seifhennersdorf

Internet: www.karaseks-revier.de
E-Mail: info@www.karaseks-revier.de

Butterfly house in the health resort of Jonsdorf

Butterfly house in the health resort of Jonsdorf

Internet: www.schmetterlingshaus.info
E-Mail: info@schmetterlingshaus.info

 Cross Triathlon at Lake Olbersdorf (KS)

Lake Olbersdorf Recreational Oasis

Internet: www.olbersdorfer-see.com
E-Mail: info@seecamping-zittau.com

“Trixi,” the walrus fountain slide in open-air pool  (AP)

Trixi Park in Großschönau

Internet: www.trixi-park.de
E-Mail: info@trixi-park.de

A stroll through Bertsdorf (KS)

Loveliest village in Saxony – Bertsdorf-Hörnitz

Internet: www.bertsdorf-hoernitz.de
E-Mail: info@bertsdorf-hoernitz.de

 Blacksmith's workshop in the millstone quarries (KS)

Nature trail “millstone querries” in the health resort of

Internet: www.gebirgsverein1880ev.de
E-Mail: jonsdorf.1880ev@freenet.de

Gerhart-Hauptmann Theatre in Zittau

Gerhart-Hauptmann Theatre in Zittau

Internet: www.theater-zittau.de
E-Mail: info@theater-zittau.de


The Crypt of Kanitz-Kyaw in Hainewalde

Internet: www.gruft.hainewalde.de
E-Mail: info@gruft.hainewalde.de

Open-air theatre stage in the health resort of Jonsdorf

Internet: Waldbühne jonsdorf
E-Mail: info@jonsdorf.de

Aussichtsberg Lausche 793 m - Erholungsort Waltersdorf   (AP)

Outlook Point Lausche Mountain (793m above sea level) – recreational resort Waltersdorf

Internet: www.zittauer-gebirge-cam.de
E-Mail: info@z-g-c.de

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